Our customers speak better than we do

Discover or rediscover the testimonies of our customers. Saving logistical time, ease of use of the Goëvia Online solution, and price transparency… They speak about their partnership with Transports Goëvia.
Customer Testimonials

La Coopérative des Sauniers & Transports Goëvia.
When Goëvia brings the essence of the sea to the land…

Find out in this document how the Coopérative des Sauniers de l’Ile de Ré obtained :

  • A strong, committed partnership
  • Faster lead times with 2-day delivery
  • Transport reservations in less than 5 minutes
  • Over 95% satisfaction rate

Customer Testimonials

How the Azimut brewery saves 2 hours of logistics time per week with Transports Goëvia

We went to meet a proud team of passionate artisans for whom beer is an adventure!

Lucas Trioux, Logistics Manager of the Azimut brewery, tells us how important successful transportation is for his customers. He explains how he manages to save 2 hours of logistic time per week thanks to the Goëvia Online transport reservation solution.

Customer Testimonials

Fixed and transparent prices
with Goëvia Online

Cynthia Guallarano, Vice-President of Créazur, also testifies to the importance of successful transportation for her clients. Transparency in pricing and time savings on tenders are the two main advantages of the Goëvia Online solution. She explains why and how in this video.

Customer Testimonials

Brewery Azimut & Transports Goëvia :
a partnership of trust to develop your business without pressure

Discover in this document how the craft beer factory

  • A strong partnership and a relationship of trust between employees
  • 2x more time to manage your business without worrying about transportation
  • Optimal collection quality without disputes
  • 5% reduction in transport rates

Customer Testimonials

How did Végésupply reduce its logistic costs and its carbon footprint?

Through this Customer Success Story, discover how the cooperative specializing in plant commodities obtained :

  • Fragile flowers and plants delivered in 24 hours
  • Optimized traction thanks to the links between the platforms
  • A reduced carbon footprint

Do you want to ship your plants safely? Discover our plant and flower transportation services in France and in the southwest!

Customer Testimonials

How did the Bordeaux winery “Château La Verrière” gain 72 hours in delivery time?

Through this Customer Success Story, discover how, since our collaboration began a year ago, Château La Verrière has obtained :

  • 72 hours gained in speed of delivery
  • 0 litigation identified
  • 5% reduction in transportation costs
customer success - chateau la verriere - bordeaux - transport - wine
Customer Testimonials

How the SME Toutemballages Girondins obtained 50% fewer disputes on its deliveries?

Through this Customer Success Story, discover how the company Toutemballages Girondins obtained in a few months :

  • 5% reduction in transportation costs
  • 50% less litigation
  • 24 hours gain in delivery speed
Goëvia buying guide